
Sunday, August 23, 2009


Wow...time is flying by and before you know it, it will be time for you to buy!! We hope you've been keeping an eye on the blog to view the latest updates...

Production is at its peak and we are moving into "high gear" to make sure we have lots of great rejuvenated relics, re-makes, and re-vamps for you to purchase.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Only 31 more days until the "BIG EVENT"!

We're still working on projects and still shopping to bring you a wide variety of items.

We will have homemade rag rugs, jewelry, baby quilts, baked goods and just plain old "great stuff".

We've worked our imaginations and put on our creative thinking caps to come up with some very unusual and unique items to offer you.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Coming Soon, and waiting for you!

Here are a few more pictures to entice you on what will be! We are so excited to give you a great day of shopping! There will be one of a kind items, so you'll want to shop early!