
Wednesday, September 23, 2009


The Rusty Bucket Girls want to thank all of you who made our
"Rusty Bucket Revisited" Shopping Day a Huge Success! We had a Great turn out of shoppers who loved our setup and our great products for sale!
With all the great comments we had, we truely appreciate it considering all the hard work that was put into making this shopping event exciting for you and us as well! Since we had such a great time and have met a great deal of you who are wondering if this great event will happen again the answer is .....


We will be doing this again next year... please be sure to give us comments and feedback so we can improve areas that needed it! Visit our blog often to get updated glances at our "newest" products for next year.

Thanks again and we look forward to seeing all of you again!!!

The Rusty Bucket Girls

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday Sept. 20 WE ARE OPEN AGAIN!!!

Good Morning Shoppers!
We had such a great sale yesterday... and with a few extra things left we decided to open the doors today!!! Please tell your Mother, Sister, Cousin, Aunt, Next door neighbor, friends or just a passerby on the street that we will be open today from 10 am to 5 pm!
Hope to see you again!!!!
The Rusty Bucket Girls!

Friday, September 18, 2009

See you Tomarrow

The setup is complete! We are ready for you to enter into a shoppers paradise!
From Christmas cabin, to black & gold chic, to giggly girl, to autumn's colors to kitchen Kitch and toy heaven, there's a place for all of you!
Come and enjoy, take advantage of the great prices and think Christmas!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


The push is on and the set-up has begun. We can't wait for you to see the displays and items for sale...

We hope you have as much fun shopping, as we did putting it altogether!


Wednesday, September 9, 2009


We're really getting excited...hope you are too!

For first time viewers, be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of the blog to get All the scoop!

Friday, September 4, 2009


A few more "tidbits" to entice you...
and keep you in suspense...
until September 19th, which will be the
main event!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Wow...time is flying by and before you know it, it will be time for you to buy!! We hope you've been keeping an eye on the blog to view the latest updates...

Production is at its peak and we are moving into "high gear" to make sure we have lots of great rejuvenated relics, re-makes, and re-vamps for you to purchase.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Only 31 more days until the "BIG EVENT"!

We're still working on projects and still shopping to bring you a wide variety of items.

We will have homemade rag rugs, jewelry, baby quilts, baked goods and just plain old "great stuff".

We've worked our imaginations and put on our creative thinking caps to come up with some very unusual and unique items to offer you.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Coming Soon, and waiting for you!

Here are a few more pictures to entice you on what will be! We are so excited to give you a great day of shopping! There will be one of a kind items, so you'll want to shop early!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

More Flash Previews

Here are some more hints of what is to come! Come one, Come ALL!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

New Sneak Peeks!!

We want to keep you in suspense,
until the date of this event.
So try and guess at what you see,
to determine what will be.
We hope our pictures make you think,
of what the items are, don't blink.
This is just a little taste,
of what's to come no time to waste.
We've been working really fast,
to bring you items from the past.
They may not look as they once did,
because they have been refashioned.
So do not fret and do not worry,
the date will be here in a hurry!
Hope to see you in September,
the 19th is the date to remember.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Rusty Bucket Rendezvous

This event originated in Wisconsin and we are re-inventing it in Minnesota.
Now mother-in-law & daughter-in-law are putting their talents together
along with other creative women to bring this event back to life!

The pictures give you hints of what is to come.
If this re-launch is successful, this will become an annual event.

Grab your girlfriends and make a day of it!

September 19, 2009
Where: 365 East 5th Street
Winona, MN
7:30am to 6:00pm

MIRROR candles BEDFRAMES magnets FURNITURE shabby chic